Monthly Archives: September 2016


Why digital displays are a perfect fit for higher education | Digital Signage Today

It’s impossible to escape the digital world today. From laptops to smartphones, the average American has multiple digital interactions daily. And for millennials, the generation that came of age during the internet era, communicating digitally is what they know. It’s as natural to them as breathing. So, perhaps it’s no surprise that college and university […]


The doctor is in. And the digital signage is on. | Digital Signage Today

Various magazines still dot the tables and reading racks of physicians’ offices, but digital signage is quickly grabbing more interest than that three-year-old copy of “People.” Digital signage is being used to entertain and inform patients as they wait their turn to see their doctor. AccentHealth is a company that provides this kind of digital […]


Digital signage comes alive with social media content | Digital Signage Today

Appealing to our emotions, compelling consumer behavior and encouraging advocacy is at the heart of digital signage. While conventional content achieves this to an extent, there is one medium that makes use of consumer behavior and emotion more than any other: Social media. Source: Digital signage comes alive with social media content | Digital Signage […]

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